Say’s who? To make people clear about the pandemic situation Mega actor Salman Khan has recently posted a video along with his nephew Nirvan Khan with a hashtag IndiaFightsCorona. In his video he seems sarcastic but pointing out very important message to all citizens to stay inside house because it is not a time to show daring or heroism by coming out of the house. He also said that it’s been three weeks both have not met their respective fathers and family members.

Salman’s twitter handle

As social media is filled with awareness videos and messages actor Salman Khan always makes different moves to touches peoples hearts. He explains that he is scared to go out and so should every responsible citizens should be.

As the recent report says about the cases

295 Covid-19 cases in last 24 hours, total deaths near 90

As per the data provided by the ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research), till 9 pm on April 5, 295 people tested for Covid-19.

The death toll due to the novel coronavirus pandemic rose to 89 and the cases climbed to over 3,570 in the country on Sunday after new infections were reported in the past 24 hours.

According to the health ministry data, the active Covid-19 cases stand at 3,219, while 274 people were either cured or discharged and one had migrated. Seven deaths have been reported in the past 24 hours.

Delhi has reported the highest number of confirmed cases at 503, the ministry data stated.

These data’s encourages actors and celebrities to spread more awareness as it is been a threat to man kind.